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Cabbage Seeds - Pak Choi - Red Tatsoi - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Brassica rapa Chinensis group. 10-15 days microgreens; 20-30 days baby leaf; 45 days full maturity. Cool season annual. This vigorous hybrid has medium sized, spoon-shaped red-violet leaves and a mild, sweet mustard flavor. Harvest from baby leaves for salads to full maturity. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost to early summer or late summer/early fall. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Optimum growing temperatures are in the 60s?F. Exposure to frost or prolonged temperatures below 50?F may result in bolting. Mulch fall crops to avoid premature bolting. Most vegetables leave having purple color is called anthocyan" which is generally developed by lower temperature. Growing temperatures 50-60?F should be adequate to develop "anthocyan" after the seeds have germinated. We cannot tell exactly how long exposure should be under low temperatures. The grower should trial different methods and observe how the plant reacts. Use in salads and stir-fries. Saute or braise. Apx. 5600 seeds per ounce."
The Bluapple ethylene gas absorber refills with activated carbon are for use in the bluapple produce preservation system. 1 year supply of BluApple ethylene gas absorber / scrubber filters for 2 blue apples (8 refills total). Extend the life of your fruits & vegetables. Save hundreds / year. One-year supply of ethylene absorbing packets with activated carbon for odor control. (Bluapple Starter not included). This One-Year Refill Kit with Activated Carbon includes eight refill packets, enough for 2 Bluapples for 1 year. The active ingredient in Bluapples absorbs and neutralizes ethylene gas from produce, which is what speeds ripening. By absorbing ethylene gas, it extends the freshness and storage life of your produce, saving you hundreds of dollars each year. Includes activated carbon to absorb odors.
2 to 6 days. Arguably the most striking of the sprouting radishes. This reddish-stemmed radish with stunning purple cotyledons adds visual appeal and a radish snap to salads and sandwiches.
Organic Black Knight Tat Soi Mustard Seeds. 45 ? 55 days to maturity. Can be grown in containers. Can be grown as microgreens. Brassica rapa. Heirloom, Non-GMO, Annual. A dark green tatsoi that does not contain the normal �cabbage� taste that most tatsoi contains. Black Knight is spoon shaped thick and compact. It contains a very high vitamin content. The leaves can be enjoyed raw or stir-fried.
Cucumber Seeds - Tokiwa. Heirloom, Cucumis sativus. 55-60 days. NonGMO. Open pollinated. Warm season annual. Also known as 'Tokyo Green', this uniform, dark green variety grows 1.5 in diameter and 9-10" long and has small spines. Retains good flavor when large. Expect high yields. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Or start seeds indoors and transplant when weather warms. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Optimum growing temperatures are 75?F daytime and 60?F at night. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation, straighter fruits, and ease of harvest. Use in salads and for tsukemono (pickling). Marinate in su vinegar dressing for a refreshing salad. Approximately 1125 seeds per ounce."
Spinach Seeds - Oceanside - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Spinacea oleracea. 25-30 days maturity for baby leaf, 40-60 days to full maturity. Cool season annual. Oceanside is a slow - moderate growing dark green spinach variety. It has nice thick leaves that are upright in plant habit. Oceanside has uniform smooth round /oval leaves. Oceanside is a versatile variety it can be used for baby leaf, bunch or clip. High resistance to Downy mildew, Peronospora farinosa f.sp. spinaciae 1-9, 11, 13, 15-16 and intermediate resistance 12, 14. Prefers mild and cool temperatures. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost or late summer/early fall (mulch plants heavily for early spring crop). Keep soil consistently moist. Dry soil, long days and warm temperatures encourage bolting. For baby leaf, sow seeds in a 2-4 wide band, 3/4" apart. Harvest at desired maturity. Sow seeds every 1-2 weeks for continuous harvest. Use in stir-fry, puree and in soup. Excellent for ohitashi. Approx 2500 seeds / oz."
Radish Seeds - White Cannon - Hybrid.Raphanus sativus. 58 days. Warm/cool season annual. Non GMO. Open pollinated. Excellent radish variety for subtropical areas. The radish has a light green neck, 11-12 Inches in length, 3.5 inches diameter, weighing 1.75 pounds. Very strong tolerance to both heat and cold. Medium to late bolting habit and late pithiness. Harvest early fall to winter. Resistant to Virus and Fusarium. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny location. Sow seeds year round in subtropical and tropical areas. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Use in soup, salad, pickle or fresh. Daikon oroshi (coarsely grated daikon using a Japanese grater) is delicious with soba noodles and tempura. Approximately 1313 seeds per ounce.
Japanese Komatsuna Mustard Seeds. 30 to 50 Days to full maturity. 8 to 12 days to microgreens harvest. Brassica rapa var. perviridis. Annual. Heirloom, Non-GMO, Open Pollinated. Komatsuna is popular traditional, dento yasai, Japanese green leafy vegetable. It has tender, deep green leaves, and a mild, flavor that resembles spinach. A quick growing, upright type, it can be harvested all seasons with succession planting due to heat and cold tolerance. Delicious eaten at any stage. cultivation info: Prefers mild and cool temperatures. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost or late summer/early fall. Avoid hot summer planting for best results. Sow every 2 weeks for continuous harvest. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Harvest leaves and young stems when plant is about 8 tall. culinary tips: Use in soup, salad, pickling, stir-fry, ohitashi, sukiyaki, and yosenabe. Rich in calcium. About 10,000 Seeds / Oz."
The Bluapple starter includes 2 refrigerator safe bluapple ethlylene gas absorbers, for produce preservation. This version includes activated carbon for extra odor absorption. Bluapples pay for themselves almost immediately by keeping fruits & vegetables fresh longer. Each Blue Apple lasts for 3 months. Refills available. Use Bluapple to keep produce fresher longer! Simple to use. Include one Carbon Activated Bluapple on your counter with fruit, in each of your refrigerator crisper drawers or wherever you store produce. The bluapple comes pre-filled with an ethhlene gas absorber packet and activated carbon that reduces odors in your fridge.
Luffa aegyptica syn l. cylindrica 100+ days. 12 to 18 inches fruits are dried and seeded to make durable sponges. Approximately 320 seeds/oz.
Organic Tat Soi Mustard Seeds. 45 days to full maturity. 21 days to maturity for baby leaves. Can be grown in containers. Can be grown as sprouts. Brassica rapa. Heirloom, Non-GMO, Annual. Spoon shaped thick very deep green leaves. Compact rosette plant. High vitamin content.
Cucumber Seeds - Tasty Green - Hybrid.Cucumis sativus. Alt names: huang gua, huang kwa, ketimun, khira, kyuri, pepino, pipingha, taeng kwa, timun. 55-60 days to maturity. Warm season annual. NonGMO. Tasty Green is an early maturing, heavy-yielding, hybrid burpless Japanese cucumber. The fruit is best harvested at 9 length, when skin is dark green with shallow ridges and small white spines. Tasty Green is resistant to powdery mildew and intermediately resistant to downy mildew. This variety is suited for open field, greenhouse, and home garden cultivation. It has a monoecious flowering habit (plant produces both male and female flowers). Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Or start seeds indoors and transplant when weather warms. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Optimum growing temperatures are 75?F daytime and 60?F at night. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation, straighter fruits, and ease of harvest. Excellent fresh eating and ideal for cold cucumber salads and sandwiches. Delicious pickled or lightly cooked in Asian dishes. Approx 1100 seeds / oz."
Shiso Herb Seeds (Perilla) - Green Ohba Ao Shiso. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Perilla frutescens var crispa. 60-70 days. Warm season annual. Ohba Ao Shiso is a traditional Japanese herb, dento yasai, this refreshing aromatic has green FLAT leaves. Also known as Beefsteak plant. The plant has a bush growth habit. It is also grown as sprouts or microgreens. As the plant matures, pinch off leaves for use. This promotes branching and leaf production. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow by broadcasting seeds in spring/summer after last frost, in a warm, sunny location. Or sow using the info in the chart. Seeds need light to germinate so cover with a thin soil layer. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Plant is heat tolerant and prefers full sun to light shade. For best germination, seed should be stored at 41?F until planted. Aromatic leaves are used as a sushi wrap, in tempura and salad mix. Often used garnish with sashimi. Dried leaves are crushed and sprinkled over rice (furikake) or made into tea. Stalks with tiny flowers are served as an edible garnish. Fresh seeds are edible and have the same aroma and flavor. ~16800 seeds / oz.