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Dun peas can be sprouted, grow into microgreens, used in soups, hydrated and cooked, and planted in a garden. Dun pea sprouts are crunchy with a sweet flavor. Available in various quantities in resealable packaging.
Spinach Seeds - Alrite - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Spinacea oleracea. Alt names bo cai, bo tsai, horenso. 60 days. Cool season annual. This early maturing hybrid Japanese spinach has broad, smooth, dark green pointed leaves. The upright plants are adaptable to many growing conditions and resistant to downy mildew. Alrite is heat and cold tolerant with moderate bolt resistance. It is an excellent choice for fresh market and home garden growing. Prefers mild and cool temperatures. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring after last frost or late summer/early fall (mulch plants heavily for early spring crop). Keep soil consistently moist. Dry soil, long days and warm temperatures encourage bolting. Sow seeds every 1-2 weeks for continuous harvest. Use in stir-fry, puree and in soup. Excellent for ohitashi. Use in stir-fry, puree and in soup. Excellent for ohitashi. Approximately 2531 seeds per ounce.
Spinach Seeds - Oceanside - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Spinacea oleracea. 25-30 days maturity for baby leaf, 40-60 days to full maturity. Cool season annual. Oceanside is a slow - moderate growing dark green spinach variety. It has nice thick leaves that are upright in plant habit. Oceanside has uniform smooth round /oval leaves. Oceanside is a versatile variety it can be used for baby leaf, bunch or clip. High resistance to Downy mildew, Peronospora farinosa f.sp. spinaciae 1-9, 11, 13, 15-16 and intermediate resistance 12, 14. Prefers mild and cool temperatures. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost or late summer/early fall (mulch plants heavily for early spring crop). Keep soil consistently moist. Dry soil, long days and warm temperatures encourage bolting. For baby leaf, sow seeds in a 2-4 wide band, 3/4" apart. Harvest at desired maturity. Sow seeds every 1-2 weeks for continuous harvest. Use in stir-fry, puree and in soup. Excellent for ohitashi. Approx 2500 seeds / oz."
Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Aichi. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Brassica rapa Pekinensis group. Other names: baechu, baguio, bai cai, cai bac thao, cai dai, celery cabbage, Chinese leaves, da bai cai, hakusai, heading Chinese cabbage, huang ya cai, huan ya bai, jie jin bai chai, kala gowa, kobis cina, kubis cina, kubis panjang, nappa, nappa cabbage, pe tsai, petsay tsina, phakkaat khaao plee, sawi, sawi pahit, siew choy, ta paak tsai, won bok, wong bok, wong nga pak. 70 days. Cool season annual. This very old traditional, dento yasai, Chinese cabbage variety is from the Aichi Prefecture of Japan. It produces large barrel-shaped heads with succulent mid ribs. The tender leaves have a mild, sweet, cabbage flavor and compliment other vegetables when prepared cook, pickled, or fresh. Prefers cool temperatures for its main growing season. This variety is a fall to winter harvest type but can also be sown in spring. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost or late summer/early fall in a sunny location. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Exposure to frost or prolonged temperatures below 50?F may result in bolting. Note: Chinese Cabbage requires vernalization. Bud differentiation and bolting results from low temperatures of 41?F for a week or 50?F for two weeks. For spring harvest, transplant seedlings with 5-7 true leaves raised at 73-75?F during the day and over 53?F at night. Providing plants with adequate water and fertilizer after transplanting will promote faster growth. Chinese cabbage is the main ingredient in kimchee, the national dish of Korea, that is pickled with garlic, ginger, and red peppers. Popular in Japanese soups and braised with meat in sukiyaki. Used in yosenabe, ohitashi, stir-fry, pickling and salad. ~9000 seeds / oz.
Pepper Seeds - Hot - Japanese - Yatsufusa. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Capsicum annuum. Alt names chilli api, la chiao, la jiao, lombok kecil, miris, murich, ot, prik chi faa, siling labuyo, togarashi. 70-80 days. Warm season annual. Yatsufusa is a hot specialty pepper that originated in Japan and is also known as chilies Japones. The peppers grow in upright clusters of 5-6 at the top of an 18-24 tall multi-branched plant and have a flavor similar to cayenne or Thai peppers. The 2-3" long fruits are harvested both green (mild heat) and red. The mature, dried fruits are ground and used in shichimi togarashi, a popular condiment. Start seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost date (or 8 weeks before expected transplanting date). Keep soil warm until emergence. Seeds will not germinate in cool soil and planting out too early may affect plant vigor. Harden off plants carefully before transplanting. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Transplant in late spring/early summer in a very warm and sunny location (soil temperatures at least above 60?F). Fertilize as needed. Too much nitrogen will produce lush foliage and few fruits. Harvest the green fruits directly from the plant. To dry red ripe peppers, cut branches, remove leaves and hang until fruit is dry. Use in stir-fries, curries and soups. Combine the fresh green and dried red for the best flavor. Freeze fresh peppers for use throughout the year. Use dried peppers in shichimi togarashi, rubs for smoked meat and hot sauces. ~6375 seeds/ounce."
Cucumber Seeds - Dragon Suhyo Cross - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Cucumis sativus. Alternate names: huang gua, huang kwa, ketimun, khira, kyuri, pepino, pipingha, taeng kwa, timun. 50-60 days. Warm season annual. This vigorous hybrid sooyow-type Japanese cucumber has its origins in Northern China. It is easy to grow with good disease and mildew resistance. The dark green skin has defined ribbing and fine white spines. Fruits mature at 10-12 long and have excellent flavor and quality. This variety is suitable for open field growing and has a monoecious flowering habit (plant produces both male and female flowers). Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Or start seeds indoors and transplant when weather warms. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Optimum growing temperatures are 75?F daytime and 60?F at night. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation, straighter fruits, and ease of harvest. Used for pickling or salads. Cut cubes of very ripe cucumbers and add to soup. Sooyow varieties are choice for pickling because of their crisp texture and small seed cavity. Approximately 1100 seeds an ounce."
Green Extra Strength 1020 Trays with Holes by Bootstrap Farmer. Heavy Duty. Reusable. Dishwasher Safe - 5 PP plastic. BPA Free. 50-pound weight capacity. Food grade. Limited 2-Year Warranty. Recycled post-consumer plastic. For use with microgreens, wheatgrass, seed sprouting, seed propagation, hydroponics, and soil. Green colored extra strength BPA-free 1020 trays by Bootstrap Farmer help professional and commercial growers stay organized. Green Bootstrap Farmer trays with Holes are created from the same number 5 PP plastic as many household kitchenware and food storage containers, offering the same durability and proven to carry up to 50 lbs without breaking or warping. Bootstrap Farmer trays are top-rack safe in dishwashers specifically designed for multiple uses. Green colored 1020 trays with NO holes are more shallow than most trays, only 1.25 inches deep, offering growers more airflow into their crop to help manage mold. 1020 trays with holes are best nested with shallow Bootstrap 1020 trays with No Holes. Color coordinated growing trays help to organize any size microgreen harvest. Backed by a limited 2-year warranty, Bootstrap Farmer trays are guaranteed to be free of cracks and degradation. Warranty does not cover trays left exposed in the bare sun, as the sun degrades all plastics. Interior dimensions: 20 in. x 10 in. x 1.25 in.
Brassica oleracea Tight compact heads of semi-waved leaves grow to 11-12 inches high. Approximately 7,000 seeds/oz.
Use onion sprouts to spice up any sprout salad, or use as a garnish on a variety of dishes. Onion sprouts taste just like onions or scallions. Available from 1lb to bulk in resealable packaging. High germination. Chemical free but not organic.
Wild Spider Flower. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Cleome gynandra. 35-40 days. Warm season annual. This species is native to Africa hut has naturalized across tropic and sub-tropical regions across Asia. The wild spider flower plant has a bush type growing habit growing up to 3' tall. It has 3-6 oblong shaped leaves per stem. Leaves and flower are edible green vegetable and prepared cooked by boiling or added to soups and stews. The leaves have a bitter and peppery flavor like mustard greens. Start seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost date (or 8 weeks before expected transplanting date). Keep soil warm until emergence. Seeds will not germinate in cool soil and planting out too early may affect plant vigor. Harden off plants carefully before transplanting. Prepare fertile well drained soil. Transplant in late spring/summer (soil temperatures at least above 60?F) in a warm and sunny location. Fertilize as needed. Harvest when husk turns light brown and when fruit berries fall or are ready to fall. In Thailand, Wild spider flower is boiled and eaten with Thai Chili paste. Leaves are fermented with rice water as a pickle known as phak sian dong. Approximately 13938 seeds an ounce.
Mustard Seeds - Early Mibuna. Heirloom, Brassica rapa var. japonica. Also known as mibuna. 21-40 days to maturity. NonGMO. Cool season annual. This traditional (heirloom) Japanese green vegetable, dento yasai, is cultivated in Mibu, Kyoto prefecture. An early open pollinated variety, this vigorous grower produces a dense cluster of long, narrow, rounded, dark green leaves. The delicious leaves have a mild mustard flavor. Cut for baby leaves as early as 21 days. This variety is cold tolerant. It is very similar to mizuna green. Prefers mild and cool temperatures. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost or late summer/ early fall. Avoid hot summer planting for best results. Sow seeds every 2 weeks for continuous harvest. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Suitable for harvesting both as young and mature greens. Young leaves are tender and used fresh for salads. More mature leaves are used for yosenabe, sukiyaki, ohitashi and pickling. Approx 11100 seeds/oz.
Gourd Seeds - Nam Tao Yai - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Lagenaria siceraria. 70-75 days. Warm season annual. This high yielding variety is also known as White-flowered gourd and Upo or Opo and has vigorous, multi-branched vines. Easy to grow, this plant is virtually disease-free and insect resistant. The dark mottled green fruit grows to a size of 4x12"and weighs up to 4 lbs. Requires a long, warm growing season. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. Sow seeds in spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Hill planting: Form soil into a 1-ft. diameter mound 3-4' tall. Space mounds 4-6' apart. On each mound plant 1-2 seeds. Row planting: See spacing info in chart. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation, straighter fruit and ease of harvest. Bottle gourd flowers during early evening to sunrise. May need hand pollination. Harvest fruit when young and tender. Prepare bottle gourd as you would squash. Use in sautes, stews and stir-fries. Delicious when sauteed with shrimp or meat. Apx. 140 seeds per ounce."
Melon Seeds - Ichiba Kouji - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Cucumis melo. Also known as Japanese netted melon. 55-60 days to maturity. Warm season annual. This specialty variety dominates the netted melon market in Japan. The fruit is round, green skinned, with a fine net and matures to over 3 lbs. The thick, juicy, green flesh measures over 16?Brix. Its sugar content will continue to rise regardless of the weather. Easy-to-grow, widely adaptable, and resistant to mildews and vine split. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Soil temperatures below 50?F can slow growth. Consider using black plastic and fabric row covers to speed soil warming. Sandy or light-textured soils that warm quickly in spring are best. Hill planting: Form soil into a 1' diameter mound 3 to 4 tall. Space mounds 4-6' apart. On each mound plant 3 seeds. Row planting: See spacing info in chart. Harvest melons when the side leaves and tendrils turn yellow and dried cracking occurs on melon at the base of the stem. As fruit ripens, it produces a nice aroma at the blossom end. Pruning: Pinch the primary stem at the 3rd leaf node to create 2 branches. On these branches, pinch off all third vines up to the 10th leaf node. Leave third vines on between the 11th and 15th leaf nodes and this is where 2 fruits will set. Total yield is 4 fruits per plant. Best when eaten fresh. Refrigerate once opened. ~2813 seeds/ounce."