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Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Vitaminna -4 g Packet ~2350 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable & Microgreens

Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Vitaminna. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Brassica rapa var pekinensis. Other names: baechu, baguio, bai cai, cai bac thao, cai dai, celery cabbage, Chinese leaves, da bai cai, hakusai, huang ya cai, huan ya bai, jie jin bai chai, kala gowa, kobis cina, kubis cina, kubis panjang, loose head Chinese cabbage, nappa, nappa cabbage, pe tsai, petsay tsina, phakkaat khaao plee, sawi, sawi pahit, siew choy, ta paak tsai, won bok, wong bok, wong nga pak. 20-24 days for baby leaf, 45-55 days for maturity. Cool season annual. This vegetable green is familiar in households throughout Japan. The dark green leaves are crinkled and thick. Tolerant to cool temperatures, this vigorous grower is slow to bolt. Chinese cabbage prefers cool temperatures for its main growing season. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. In temperate areas sow seeds in spring/summer after last frost or late summer/early fall. Plant year round in tropical areas. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Exposure to frost or prolonged temperatures below 50?F may result in bolting. Harvest at any stage. Note: Chinese Cabbage requires vernalization. Bud differentiation and bolting results from low temperatures of 41?F for a week or 50?F for two weeks. For spring harvest, transplant seedlings with 5-7 true leaves raised at 73-75?F during the day and over 53?F at night. Providing plants with adequate water and fertilizer after transplanting will promote faster growth. Loaded with vitamin A, this flavorful green is a perfect addition to a salad or stir-fry. ~16437 seeds / oz.

Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Vitaminna -4 g Packet ~2350 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable & Microgreens

Mustard Seeds - Tsa Tsai Round -1 Oz ~18400 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable, Microgreens & Herb Gardening

Mustard Seeds - Tsa Tsai Round. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Brassica juncea var linearifolia. 120 days. Cool season annual. Tsa Tsai is a popular and unique mustard variety from Southwest China and called Szechuan or Sichuan vegetable. It is also known as swollen stem mustard or pressed stem mustard because the stem enlarges into thick tuber-like bumps just below the petioles. Its stem will grow 4-6" in diameter and weigh up to 1/2 pound. Chinese swollen stem mustard is a cool season crop. The ideal temperature to promote stem swelling is 46?F-56?F. It usually takes 3-4 weeks for 5-6 leaves to grow and stems are harvested in 120 days. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in early fall in a sunny location. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Plant every 2 weeks for continuous harvest. The flavor is best when grown briskly so plant in fertile soil and keep well watered. Start harvesting at 3" tall for baby mustard greens. Thin to 10" apart for mature heads. May bolt as temperatures and day lengths increase. Harvest florets as they are tender and delicious too. Young leaves may be harvested and used like any mustard green, in soups, stir-fries and pickled. The swollen stem base can be peeled and cooked but is most known as Zhacia or Cha Tsai (pickled with salt and chili). It is added to fried rice, soups and tofu dishes for flavor. About 18400 seeds per ounce."

Mustard Seeds - Tsa Tsai Round -1 Oz ~18400 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable, Microgreens & Herb Gardening

Egyptian Spinach Seeds - Molokhia -4 Oz ~59200 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Egyptian Spinach Seeds - Molokhia. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Corchorus olitorius. Alt names: Egyptian spinach, Jew mallow, jute mellow, koshta, po krachao, rau day, saluyot, tororo no. 60 days to maturity. Warm season annual. This Middle Eastern super-green, known as Jew's mallow or Egyptian spinach, has a high vitamin and mineral content. This food of kings" dates back to the time of the pharaohs, when an Egyptian king drank it in soup to recover from an illness. Today, it's one of the most widely eaten vegetables in Egypt. In the Philippines, it is called "saluyot" and is widely grown for the leaves. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Or start seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost date (or 8 weeks before expected transplanting date). Transplant when it has 6-7 true leaves. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. When plant reaches 24" tall, pinch back to promote lateral branching and a continuous harvest of young shoots and leaves. When cooked, Molokhia has a mucilaginous texture like okra. Use sauteed and as a green in soups. Leaves are dried for tea. ~14800 seeds per ounce."

Egyptian Spinach Seeds - Molokhia -4 Oz ~59200 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Gourd Seeds - Buab Liam - Hybrid -1 Lb ~2240 Seeds - Non-GMO, F1 Hybrid - Asian Garden Vegetable

Gourd Seeds - Buab Liam - Hybrid.Luffa acutangula. 80-90 days. NonGMO. Warm season annual. Also called Chinese okra, this highly productive and vigorous hybrid has fruit that matures 40 days after the flower sets. The green, edible fruit is tender and flavorful and grows up to 17 in length, 2" in diameter, and weighs 1/2 pound. Fruit left on the vine to mature until the skin hardens can be harvested for luffa sponges. Requires a long, warm growing season. Prepare fertile, well drained soil. Sow seeds in spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. The seed coat is hard and should be soaked in warm water for 24 hours or gently clip the seed tip to help the seed germinate. Hill planting: Form soil into a 1-ft. diameter mound 3-4' tall. Space mounds 4-6' apart. On each mound plant 1-2 seeds. Row planting: See spacing info in chart. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Hand pollination may be necessary. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation, straighter fruit and ease of harvest. To process for luffa sponges, allow gourds to hang on the vine until they are fully mature and the skin hardens/dries. Remove skin and seeds. Prepare luffa as you would zucchini. Lightly stir-fry thin slices or add to soup. Steam or deep-fry thick slices. Also delicious stuffed with pork and braised. Apx. 140 seeds per ounce."

Gourd Seeds - Buab Liam - Hybrid -1 Lb ~2240 Seeds - Non-GMO, F1 Hybrid - Asian Garden Vegetable

Book: The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore

This book is the classic and original treatise on wheatgrass by Ann Wigmore. She wrote this book many years ago so the information is a little older, but some of the most inspiring messages on wheat grass come from this book. Soft cover, 126 pages.

Book: The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore

Winged Bean Seeds -5 g Packet ~20 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Winged Bean Seeds. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Annual. Winged bean is also known as Asparagus pea, Winged pea, Four Angled bean, Manila bean (sigarilyas), Princess bean, and Dragon bean. Almost every part of this tropical plant is edible: The beans (used as a vegetable), the leaves (cooked like spinach), the roots (similar to potato), and the dried seeds (used for flour). Prepare fertile, well-drained soil in a warm, sunny location. Seeds can be difficult to germinate. For better germination, pre-sprout seeds indoors by soaking in water for 24 hours until swollen and then keep at 77?F until sprouted. Scarify seed coat for seeds not swollen and resoak. Plant when seeds sprout. Keep soil moist. Fertilize sparingly. Train to grow on a vertical support. Large vigorous vines can reach 9-12'. Harvest beans up to 3 in length. High in protein and rich in vitamin A, C, calcium and iron. Approx 112 seeds / oz."

Winged Bean Seeds -5 g Packet ~20 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Spring Crisp - Hybrid -500 Mg Packet ~207 Seeds - Non-GMO, F1 Hybrid - Asian Garden Vegetable

Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Spring Crisp - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Brassica rapa Pekinensis group. 63-65 days after sowing. Cool season annual. Spring Crisp barrel heads have a weight of approximately 5 pounds and is an excellent variety for kimchi pickling. Head are dark green external color, bright yellow internal color. Excellent slow bolting habit making it suitable for late spring to late summer harvesting. This early maturing variety has good field holding ability with an intermediate resistance to Clubroot and is less susceptible to internal black specks. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds or transplant seedlings in spring after danger of all frost in a sunny location. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Exposing plants to frost or prolonged temperatures below 50?F may result in bolting. Chinese Cabbage requires vernalization. Bud differentiation and bolting results from low temperatures of 5?C for a week or 10?C for two weeks. For spring harvest, transplant seedlings with 5-7 true leaves raised at 23-24?C during the day and over 12?C at night. Providing plants with adequate water and fertilizer after transplanting will promote faster growth. Used in kimchi pickling, sukiyaki, yosenabe, ohitashi, stir-fries and salad. Approx 11438 seeds /oz.

Chinese Cabbage Seeds - Spring Crisp - Hybrid -500 Mg Packet ~207 Seeds - Non-GMO, F1 Hybrid - Asian Garden Vegetable

Egyptian Spinach Seeds - Molokhia -1 Oz ~14800 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Egyptian Spinach Seeds - Molokhia. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Corchorus olitorius. Alt names: Egyptian spinach, Jew mallow, jute mellow, koshta, po krachao, rau day, saluyot, tororo no. 60 days to maturity. Warm season annual. This Middle Eastern super-green, known as Jew's mallow or Egyptian spinach, has a high vitamin and mineral content. This food of kings" dates back to the time of the pharaohs, when an Egyptian king drank it in soup to recover from an illness. Today, it's one of the most widely eaten vegetables in Egypt. In the Philippines, it is called "saluyot" and is widely grown for the leaves. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Or start seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost date (or 8 weeks before expected transplanting date). Transplant when it has 6-7 true leaves. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. When plant reaches 24" tall, pinch back to promote lateral branching and a continuous harvest of young shoots and leaves. When cooked, Molokhia has a mucilaginous texture like okra. Use sauteed and as a green in soups. Leaves are dried for tea. ~14800 seeds per ounce."

Egyptian Spinach Seeds - Molokhia -1 Oz ~14800 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Lettuce Seeds - Purple Tower Celtuce -4 Oz ~74000 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Lettuce Seeds - Purple Tower Celtuce. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Lactuca sativa var asparagina. Also known as asparagus lettuce, celery lettuce, Chinese lettuce, jing wo ju, kaki jisha, keman ayer, kuki chisha, nen jing wo ju, ngao lei shaang tsoi, stem lettuce, stemuretasu, wo ju sun, woo chu, wo sun, wo sung. 75-85 days to maturity. Cool season annual. Chinese stem lettuce originated in southern China. Stem lettuce is grown mainly for the tasty stalk with celery-like flavor. Leaves are broad, oval-shaped and green color. Stems are thick, tender and crisp with white flesh. This is an early maturing variety and has good cold tolerance. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. In cool areas sow seeds in spring after last frost or late summer to early fall in a sunny location. Recommended to sow in seed trays in cool areas, and seedlings are transplanted later into open field. In temperate areas, sow in spring or fall. In tropical areas, sow year round. Seeds need light to germinate, so do not plant too deep. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Use the young leaves in salad or cook lightly. Stalks are eaten fresh or cooked. Peel outer skin and slice the stalk. Use in salad, pickled, soup and stir fry with meat, poultry or fish. Approx 18500 seeds / oz.

Lettuce Seeds - Purple Tower Celtuce -4 Oz ~74000 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Asian Garden Vegetable

Cabbage Seeds - Pak Choi - Summer Zest - Hybrid -1 Lb ~48000 Seeds - Non-GMO, F1 Hybrid - Asian Garden Vegetable

Cabbage Seeds - Pak Choi - Summer Zest - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Annual. Brassica rapa Chinensis group. 40-45 days. Cool-warm season. Summer Zest is a medium to large size and medium maturing pak choi. One of the best heat tolerant varieties on the market. The plant grows erect and compact. Leaves are dark green color, oval-spoon shape. It is tolerant to heat, medium to cold, rain and some disease resistance. Good for late spring and fall planting. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost to early summer or late summer/early fall. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Optimum growing temperatures are in the 60s?F. Exposure to frost or prolonged temperatures below 50?F may result in bolting. Mulch fall crops to avoid premature bolting. Use in stir-fries, saute, or braise. ~3000 seeds an ounce.

Cabbage Seeds - Pak Choi - Summer Zest - Hybrid -1 Lb ~48000 Seeds - Non-GMO, F1 Hybrid - Asian Garden Vegetable