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Cabbage Seeds - Pak Choi - New Nabai - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Annual. Brassica rapa Chinensis group. 40-45 days. Cool-warm season. This is a dwarf or baby pak choi type with good uniformity. Plants have nice form, are vigorous growing. Leaves are dark green with pure white petioles. Heat tolerant and disease resistant. This variety is easy to bolt. For late summer to early fall season planting. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in spring after last frost to early summer or late summer/early fall. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Optimum growing temperatures are in the 60s?F. Exposure to frost or prolonged temperatures below 50?F may result in bolting. Mulch fall crops to avoid premature bolting. Use in stir-fries, saute, or braise. ~5000 seeds per ounce.
Reusable 14 inch by 20 inch 100% cotton cheese cloth for use in making tofu. Works with both our plastic and wooden tofu mold. Can be re-used many times with a good wash (with bleach) between uses.
Undoubtedly the best wheat we have ever used for growing wheatgrass. It is organic hard red spring wheat with an incredible germination rate that grows wheatgrass with thick blades and very even growth. Small quantity to bulk. Certified Organic.
Red clover are becoming a very popular salad and sandwich sprout, very similar to alfalfa sprouts with a mild flavor with a hint of sweetness. High germination rate, available in several sizes & resealable packaging. Certified Organic.
Watermelon Seeds - Hime Kansen - Hybrid. Non-GMO. Citrullus vulgaris. AKA baby size watermelon, ice-box size watermelon. 95 Days. Warm season annual. This Japanese icebox watermelon is the perfect size to fit in a fridge and has been a specialty for long time in Japan. It has firm dark red flesh and green skin with dark green stripes. It has an extremely thin rind (3/16) and excellent shipping ability. It has a high Brix count of 12.5-13 and weights 5-6 lbs. The fruit has a slightly oblong shape. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Soil temperatures below 50?F can slow growth. Consider using black plastic and fabric row covers to speed soil warming. Sandy or light-textured soils that warm quickly in spring are best. Sow 3 seeds per hill and space hills 3' apart. Harvest when fruit area touching ground turns yellow or when the tendril closest to the stem turns brown or dried. A mature watermelon will have a dull "plunk" sound when thumped. In the case of watermelon, basically 1 vine 1 melon (It doesn't mean 6 vines 6 fruits). You could harvest the second one but it would be difficult and take long time. We usually advise to set the first fruit on the third female flower that appears between the 16th - 21st leaf node to get a better quality fruit. After you harvest the first fruit, another fruit could be harvested between the 32nd- 42nd leaf node if the plant could keep good enough plant vigor. Eat fresh. ~10500 seeds / oz."
Hyacinth Bean - Shitohana Fujimame. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Lablab purpureus. Also known as bataw, bian dou, dau vang, Egyptian bean, fujimame, ho dhambala, kacang kera, kacang koro, kulthi, lablab bean, pin dou, pin tau, que dou, rou dou, thua paep, tseuktau. 90-100 days. Warm season annual. A popular hyacinth bean variety with white flowers, this tropical plant is a beautiful green-leafed climber with edible pods that are flat, thin and curved. The vine is vigorous and needs to be supported. Tends to flower in the shorter days of fall so requires a long season to fully mature. Also grown as an ornamental. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Train to a trellis. Harvest young pods. Young pods can be sliced or used whole. Always cook hyacinth beans well before eating. Warning: Hyacinth beans naturally have cyanogenic glucoside (a plant compound that contains sugar and produces cyanide). Hyacinth beans should never be eaten raw. Always cook hyacinth beans well before eating. Approx 150 seeds / oz.
Radish Seeds - Mino Early. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Raphanus sativus. AKA alibanos, cu cai, cu cai trang, daikon, daikon radish, giant white radish, hua piahs, Japanese radish, labanos, lai fu, lao bo, lobak, lobak isi, lobak putih, lo bok, long white radish, lo pak, lu fu, luo bu, moo, mu, muli, oriental radish, phakkaat hua, rabanos, rabu. 40-50 days. Cool season annual. Mino Early is a leading open pollinated radish (daikon) for summer to fall harvest in Japan. It has good heat tolerance and can be grown all year round in tropical areas. The tapered root is long, white, tender and crisp with a mild pungency. Harvest when 14-16 long and weighing 1.75 lbs. Late pithiness. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring through summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Use in soup, salad, pickled or fresh. Daikon oroshi (coarsely grated daikon using a Japanese grater) is delicious in sauces used for soba noodles, tempura and sashimi. About 11000 seeds/ounce."
Gourd Seeds - Futo - Spindle. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Momordica charantia. Also known as African cucumber, alligator pear, amargoso, ampalaya, balsam pear, bitter cucumber, bitter gourd, bitter melon, daun peria katak, dau peria, foo gwa yip, fu gua, fu kwa, fwa kwa, jin li zhi, karawila, karela, kaveli, kho qua, ku gua, la kho qua, lao pu tao, maha, mara, muop dang, niga uri, palia, pare, pare pahit, paria, peria, peria katak, phakha, reishi, ssunoi, tsuru reishi. 60-70 days. Warm season annual. This Japanese variety is an easy and vigorous grower. The large climbing vine produces yellow flowers and 7-8 dark green fruits with heavily warted skin. The vine can grow 12' long and has a high tolerance for heat. Young leafy shoots can also be harvested. Widely grown in Japan and other tropical Asian countries. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. In warm areas, sow seeds in late spring/summer after last frost in a sunny location. For better germination, sprout seeds indoors by soaking in water for 24 hours. Wrap in wet paper towel and keep warm between 75-85?F. Plant when seeds sprout. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Train to climb a vertical support for better air circulation and ease of harvest. Low soil temperatures may result in low or no germination. Young fruit is delicious in soups and salads. Can be lightly fried, stuffed with meat or stir-fried with pork and fermented black beans. Young shoots and leaves are also edible and can be quick fried. Recommended as a healthy food by the American Diabetic Association. ~113 seeds/ounce."
Burdock Seeds - Ha Gobo. Heirloom, Arctium lappa. Also known as ci cai ji, dong yang lu bo, edible burdock leaves, ha gobo, ngao pong, niu pang, uang. 70 days. NonGMO. Open pollinated. Warm season annual. Edible burdock root is gobo in Japanese and burdock leaf is ha gobo. This special Japanese variety is grown for its delicate edible leaves. The thick white stalk is about 12 long and the light green leaves are tender. The edible root is about 6" long. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. For best results, avoid heavy clay soils. Sow seeds in spring or early fall in a sunny location. Improve germination by soaking seeds for 24 hours in warm water. Burdock seeds will not germinate without sensing light. Seeds must be barely covered with soil. Keep soil moist. Fertilize as needed. Harvest young and tender leaves. Use leaves and roots parboiled in salads and ohitashi, fried in tempura, or for pickles. Apx. 1625 seeds/ounce."
Dried, refined Japanese Nigari tofu coagulant. Each pound of Nigari is enough to make over 100 lbs of tofu! Nigari is also called 'bittern' or magnesium chloride. Nigari is said to make a tofu with a softer, smoother texture.
These Organic Purple Barley seeds have no hull but are perfect for sprouting. Great for growing barley grass for juicing, making barley risotto, grinding into flour for making bread, or even as food storage. Packed in resealable packaging. Certified Organic.
Our most popular vegan protein sprouting mix. Delicious sprout snack all by itself. Protein Powerhouse contains: Green Pea, Adzuki, Garbanzo, and Mung. High germination. Available in small quantity to bulk in resealable packaging. Certified Organic.
Water Pepper Herb Seeds - Akatade. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Annual. Persicaria hydropiper. Other names: benitade, knotweed, murasakitade, smartweed, tade, water pepper. 27 days. This Japanese specialty herb can be harvested as a seedling or allowed to mature for its flower spikes. Sow seeds in a damp location. It has a slightly bitter taste and is served with sashimi. Mostly grown for its red, peppery seedlings, it also may be used in salads. Benitade seed has a weak and slow germination. It is important that the seed is kept moist until it has germinated. Soak seeds in water for 24 hours. Then wrap the seeds in cloth and pre-chill refrigerate between 0C and 10C (32?F-50?F, 41?F is best) for at least 7 days. For best germination, seed should be stored at 41?F until planted. Most vegetables leaves or sprouts having red or purple color is called anthocyan" which is generally developed by lower temperature. Growing temperatures 50-60?F should be adequate to develop "anthocyan" after the seeds have germinated. We cannot tell exactly how long exposure should be under low temperatures. The grower should trial different methods and observe how the microgreen reacts. Approximately 10500 seeds / oz."