Onion Seeds - Bunching - Red Beard -3 g Packet ~1404 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Vegetable Garden

Onion Seeds - Bunching - Red Beard -3 g Packet ~1404 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Vegetable Garden

Onion Seeds - Bunching - Red Beard. Heirloom, Non-GMO. Allium fistulosum. AKA chin choong, Chinese green onion, choong, cong, da cong, dawn bawang, feng cong, green bunching onion, hanh la, hari piyaz, hark korm, hom ton, Japanese bunching onion, me negi, nebuka, negi, quing cong, runu kola, scallion, sibuyas na mura, spring onion, tai tsung, tsung fa, xiao cong. 40-50 days. Cool season annual. This popular, specialty bunching onion is easy to grow and an excellent choice for fresh market growers and home gardeners. It has a red stalk, a mild flavor, and tender leaves. At maturity, plants can reach 27 tall with the red stalk about 12" long. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in a sunny location in late spring after danger of all frost is passed and when soil temperatures are consistently above 50? or fall. Cold weather deepens the red color. Mulch if hard frost expected.Keep soil moist and fertilize as needed. Longer white stems can be achieved by mounding earth up over the stems to blanch them. Bunching onions may be harvested at any stage, from microgreen to full maturity. Use in sukiyaki, stir-fry, salad, soup, and as a garnish. Can be boiled and added to miso dressing. About 13000 seeds/ounce."

Onion Seeds - Bunching - Red Beard -3 g Packet ~1404 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Vegetable Garden

SKU:  59188

In Stock:  yes


Onion Seeds - Bunching - Red Beard -3 g Packet ~1404 Seeds - Non-GMO, Heirloom - Vegetable Garden

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